東京大学 大学院農学生命科学研究科 生物・環境工学専攻


Bioenvironmental Engineering Lab
The University of Tokyo





  • Fujiuchi, N., R. Matsuda, N. Matoba and K. Fujiwara : Effects of lighting conditions on Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of recombinant hemagglutinin in detached Nicotiana benthamiana leaves inoculated with a deconstructed viral vector. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 145: 679-688. (2021) (E)
  • Matsuda, R., K. Hayano, T. Kawashima, K. Fujiwara : Intraseasonal and interseasonal applicability of a neural network model for real-time estimation of the number of air exchanges per hour of a naturally ventilated greenhouse. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 77(1): 96-101. (2021) (E)
  • Jishi, T. and K. Fujiwara : Time-varying photosynthetic photon flux density and relative spectral photon flux density distribution to improve plant growth and morphology in plant factories with artificial lighting. The Horticulture Journal, 90(2): 147-153. (2021)


  • Matsuda, R., K. Hayano, S. Yagi and K. Fujiwara : Comparison of neural network models with aerodynamic and empirical models toward real-time estimation of the number of air exchanges per hour of a naturally ventilated greenhouse. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 75(3): 166-172. (2019)
  • Matsuda R., A. Ueno and K. Fujiwara : Effects of environmental conditions before gene transfer on the amount of influenza hemagglutinin transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 75(3): 129-136. (2019)
  • Shibuya, T., S. Kishigami, R. Endo, R. Matsuda : Interaction between red to far-red ratio of light and vapor pressure deficit on extension growth of cucumber seedlings. Scientia Horticulturae, 248, 98-104. (2019)
  • Fujiwara, K. : Light sources. In: Kozai, T. et al. (eds.) Plant Factory: An indoor vertical farming system for efficient quality food production, 2nd Edition, Academic Press, London, UK, p.139-151. (2019)
  • Iizumi, T., R. Hirata and R. Matsuda (eds.) : Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture: Research and Practices, Springer Singapore, Singapore, pp.227. (2019)
  • Matsuda, R : Effects of supplemental lighting with LEDs on physiological aspects of photosynthesis in crop plants. Light & Engineering, 27, 42-48. (2019)
  • 村上貴一・地子智浩・松田 怜・富士原和宏 : 人工光植物栽培における光質と光合成. 光合成研究, 29(2), 138-146. (2019)
  • Fujiwara, K. : Introduction of a performance description sheet for plant cultivation LED luminaires. Proc. 2019 International Symposium on Environment Control Technology for Value-added Plant Production, 160-165, Huwan Hotel, Beijing, China. (2019)


  • Jishi, T., R. Matsuda and K. Fujiwara: Effects of photosynthetic photon flux density, frequency, duty ratio and their interactions on net photosynthetic rate of cos lettuce leaves under pulsed light: explanation based on photosynthetic-intermediate pool dynamics. Photosynthesis Research 136(3): 371-378. (2018)
  • Matsuda, R., T. Kushibiki, N. Fujiuchi and K. Fujiwara: Agroinfiltration of leaves for deconstructed viral vector-based transient gene expression: infiltrated leaf area affects recombinant hemagglutinin yield. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology 59(4): 547-555. (2018)
  • Matsuda, R., A. Ueno, H. Nakaigawa, K. Fujiwara: Gas exchange rates decrease and leaf temperature increases in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves transiently overexpressing hemagglutinin in an Agrobacterium -assisted viral vector system. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 1315. (2018)
  • Murakami, K., R. Matsuda and K. Fujiwara: Quantification of excitation energy distribution between photosystems based on a mechanistic model of photosynthetic electron transport. Plant, Cell and Environment 41(1): 148-159. (2018)
  • Murakami, K., R. Matsuda and K. Fujiwara: A mathematical model of photosynthetic electron transport in response to light spectrum based on excitation energy distributed to photosystems. Plant and Cell Physiology 59(8): 1643-1651. (2018)
  • 富士原和宏 (2018): 光植物学研究用LED人工太陽光光源システム. 照明学会誌 102(11): 505-509.
  • 富士原和宏 (2018): 分光分布制御型LED人工太陽光光源システム. 「アグリフォトニクスⅢ」(分担執筆), シーエムシー出版, p.156-167.
  • 後藤英司・富士原和宏 (2018): 植物用LED照明器具特性表のガイドライン. 「アグリフォトニクスⅢ」(分担執筆), シーエムシー出版, p.203-209.
  • 地子智浩・富士原和宏 (2018): 矩形パルス光照射がレタス個葉の純光合成速度に及ぼす影響. 「アグリフォトニクスⅢ」(分担執筆), シーエムシー出版, p.147-155.
  • 松田 怜・藤内直道 (2018): 植物を利用した医薬用タンパク質生産のための環境調節. 関東の農業気象, 44, p.6-11.


  • Fujiuchi, N., R. Matsuda, N. Matoba and K. Fujiwara: Effects of plant density on recombinant hemagglutinin yields in an Agrobacterium-mediated transient gene expression system using Nicotiana benthamiana plants. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 114(8): 1762-1770. (2017)
  • Matsuda, R., T. Abe, N. Fujiuchi, N. Matoba and K. Fujiwara: Effect of temperature post viral vector inoculation on the amount of hemagglutinin transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 124(3): 346-350. (2017)
  • Matsuda, R., T. Abe and K. Fujiwara: Viral vector-based transient gene expression in Nicotiana benthamiana: effects of light source on leaf temperature and hemagglutinin content. Plant Cell Reports 30(10): 1667-1669. (2017)
  • Murakami, K., R. Matsuda and K. Fujiwara: A basis for selecting light spectral distribution for evaluating leaf photosynthetic rates of plants grown under different light spectral distributions. Environmental Control in Biology 55(1): 1-6. (2017)


  • Fujiuchi, N., R. Matsuda, N. Matoba and K. Fujiwara: Removal of bacterial suspension water occupying the intercellular space of detached leaves after agroinfiltration improves the yield of recombinant hemagglutinin in a Nicotiana benthamiana transient gene expression system. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 113(4): 901-906. (2016)
  • Fujiuchi, N., N. Matoba and R. Matsuda: Environment control to improve recombinant protein yields in plants based on Agrobacterium-mediated transient gene expression. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 4: 23. (2016)
  • Fujiwara, K.: Radiometric, photometric and photonmetric quantities and their units. In: Kozai, T. et al. (eds.) LED Lighting for Urban Agriculture, Springer Science+Business Media, Singapore, p.367-376. (2016)
  • Fujiwara, K.: Basics of LEDs for plant cultivation. In: Kozai, T. et al. (eds.) LED Lighting for Urban Agriculture, Springer Science+Business Media, Singapore, p.377-394. (2016)
  • Jishi, T., K. Kimura, R. Matsuda and K. Fujiwara: Effects of temporally shifted irradiation of blue and red LED light on cos lettuce growth and morphology. Scientia Horticulturae 198: 227-232. (2016)
  • Kozai, T., K. Fujiwara and E. Rankle (eds.): LED Lighting for Urban Agriculture, Springer Science+Business Media, Singapore, p.454. (2016)
  • Kozai, T. and K. Fujiwara: Moving toward self-learning plant production systems. In: Kozai, T. et al. (eds.) LED Lighting for Urban Agriculture, Springer Science+Business Media, Singapore, p.445-448. (2016)
  • Matsuda, R., T. Yamano, K. Murakami and K. Fujiwara: Effects of spectral distribution and photosynthetic photon flux density for overnight LED light irradiation on tomato seedling growth and leaf injury. Scientia Horticulturae 198: 363-369. (2016)
  • Matsuda, R. and K. Murakami: Light- and CO2-dependent systemic regulation of photosynthesis. In: Luttge, U. et al. (eds.) Progress in Botany 77, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, p.151-166. (2016)
  • Matsuda, R.: Effects of physical environment on photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration. In: Kozai, T. et al. (eds.) LED Lighting for Arban Agriculture, Springer Science+Business Media, Singapore, p.163-175. (2016)
  • Murakami, K., R. Matsuda and K. Fujiwara: Interaction between the spectral photon flux density distributions of light during growth and for measurements in net photosynthetic rates of cucumber leaves. Physiologia Plantarum 158(2): 218-224. (2016)
  • Murakami, K. and R. Matsuda: Optical and physiological properties of a leaf. In: Kozai, T. et al. (eds.) LED Lighting for Arban Agriculture, Springer Science+Business Media, Singapore, p.113-123. (2016)


  • Fujiwara, K.: Light sources. In: Kozai, T. et al. (eds.) Plant Factory: An indoor vertical farming system for efficient quality food production, Academic Press, London, UK, p.118-128. (2015)
  • Jishi, T., R. Matsuda and K. Fujiwara: A kinetic model for estimating net photosynthetic rates of cos lettuce leaves under pulsed light. Photosynthesis Research 124(1): 107-116. (2015)
  • Park, J.-S. and K. Fujiwara: Storage of grafted-tomato seedling under low-light conditions with light-emitting diodes and an electroluminescent sheet. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology 56(4): 472?477. (2015)


  • Atobe, R., K. Saga, H. Maeyama, K. Fujiwara, S. Okada and K. Imou: Culture of the green microalga Botryococcus braunii Showa with LED irradiation eliminating violet light enhances hydrocarbon production and recovery. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 78(10): 1765-1771. (2014)
  • Fujiuchi, N., R. Matsuda, N. Matoba and K. Fujiwara: Effect of nitrate concentration in nutrient solution on hemagglutinin content of Nicotiana benthamiana leaves in a viral vector-mediated transient gene expression system. Plant Biotechnology 31(3): 207-211. (2014)
  • Hoyo, Y., K. Fujiwara and Y. Hoshino: Effects of different wavelengths of LED light on pollen germination and direction of pollen tube elongation in Cyrtanthus mackenii. Advances in Horticultural Science 28(4): 190-194. (2014)
  • Matsuda, R., N. Ozawa and K. Fujiwara: Leaf photosynthesis, plant growth, and carbohydrate accumulation of tomato under different photoperiods and diurnal temperature differences. Scientia Horticulturae 170: 150-158. (2014)
  • Murakami, K., R. Matsuda and K. Fujiwara: Light-induced systemic regulation of photosynthesis in primary and trifoliate leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris: effects of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) versus spectrum. Plant Biology 16(1): 16-21. (2014)


  • Fujiwara, K. and A. Yano: Prototype development of a plant-response experimental light-source system with LEDs of six peak wavelengths. Acta Horticulturae 970: 341-346. (2013)
  • Fujiwara, K., K. Eijima and A. Yano: Second-generation LED-artificial sunlight source system available for light effects research in biological and agricultural sciences. Proc. 7th LuxPacifica, 140-145, Bangkok, Thailand. (2013)
  • Matsuda, R., D.-H. Ahn, A. Nakano, K. Suzuki, M. Takaichi: Leaf gas-exchange characteristics of four Japanese and four Dutch tomato cultivars grown in a greenhouse. Scientia Horticulturae 156: 19-23. (2013)
  • Murakami, K., R. Matsuda, K. Fujiwara: Effects of supplemental lighting to a lower leaf using light-emitting diodes with different spectra on the leaf photosynthetic rate in sweet pepper. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 69(2): 55-63. (2013)


  • Fujiuchi, N. and K. Fujiwara: LED dim light irradiation of the root zone influences growth and development of leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa) plants under nutrient film technique hydroponics. Environmet Control in Biology 50(2): 101-106. (2012)
  • Jishi, T., K. Fujiwara, K. Nishino and A. Yano: Pulsed light at lower duty ratios with lower frequencies is less advantageous for CO2 uptake in cos lettuce compared to continuous light. J. Light Visual Environ. 36(3): 88-93. (2012)
  • Matsuda, R., C. Kubota, M.L. Alvarez and G.A. Cardineau: Effect of high electrical conductivity of hydroponic nutrient solution on vaccine protein content in transgenic tomato. HortTechnology 22(3): 362-367. (2012)
  • Matsuda, R., N. Ozawa and K. Fujiwara: Effects of continuous lighting with or without a diurnal temperature difference on photosynthetic characteristics of tomato leaves. Acta Horticulturae 956: 165-170. (2012)
  • Matsuda, R., A. Tahara, N. Matoba and K. Fujiwara: Virus-vector mediated rapid protein production in Nicotiana benthamiana: Effects of temperature and photosynthetic photon flux density on hemagglutinin accumulation. Environment Control in Biology 50(4): 375-381. (2012)
  • Yano, A. and K. Fujiwara: Plant lighting system with five wavelength-band light-emitting diodes providing photon flux density and mixing ratio control. Plant Methods 8: 46(paper number). DOI:10.1186/1746-4811-8-46 (2012)
  • Nishino, K., K. Fujiwara, T. Jishi and A. Yano: Effects on CO2 uptake in cos lettuce of pulsed light generated with full-wave rectification sine-wave alternating-current power. The 5th CJK Lighting Conference. Proc. 5th Lighting Conference of China, Japan and Korea, 419-422, Tokyo. (2012)
  • 中野明正・松田怜・淨閑正史・鈴木克己・安東赫・高市益行: トマトの摘果に伴う茎からの不定根発生とデンプン蓄積の品種差異. 根の研究 21(2): 39-43. (2012)


  • Fujiwara, K., T. Fujii and J.-S. Park: Successive spraying efficacy of acidic electrolyzed oxidizing water and alkaline electrolyzed reducing water in controlling powdery mildew infection and suppressing the occurrence of visible disorder on cucumber leaves. Horticulture, Environment & Biotechnology 52(4): 387-392. (2011)
  • Fujiwara, K., A. Yano, Eijima, K.: Design and development of a plant-response experimental light-source system with LEDs of five peak wavelengths. Journal of Light & Visual Environment 35(2):117-122. (2011)
  • Fujiwara, K., Y. Hayashi, J.-S. Park: Spraying ozonated water under a well-ventilated condition does not cause any visible injury on several fruit-vegetable seedlings. Ozone: Science & Engineering 33(2): 179-182. (2011)
  • Fujiwara, K., A. Yano: Controllable spectrum artificial sunlight source system using LEDs with 32 different peak wavelengths of 385-910 nm. Bioelectromagnetics 32(3): 243-252. (2011)
  • Godo, T., K. Fujiwara, K. Guan and K. Miyoshi: Effects of wavelength of LED-light on in vitro asymbiotic germination and seedling growth of Bletilla ochracea Schltr. (Orchidaceae). Plant Biotechnology 28(4): 397-400. (2011)
  • Higashide, T., R. Matsuda and M. Takaichi: Management of periodic nutrient supply independent of water supply based on solar radiation and crop models in a soilless culture. Acta Horticulturae 907: 193-196. (2011)
  • Jishi, T., K. Fujiwara, K. Nishino and A. Yano: Pulsed light at lower duty ratios with lower frequencies is disadvantageous for CO2 uptake in cos lettuce compared to continuous light. The 4th CJK Lighting Conference. Proc. 4th Lighting Conference of China, Japan and Korea, 321-324, Dalian, China. (2011)
  • atsuda, R., K. Suzuki, A. Nakano, T. Higashide, M. Takaichi: Responses of leaf photosynthesis and plant growth to altered source-sink balance in a Japanese and a Dutch tomato cultivar. Scientia Horticulturae 127(4):520-527. (2011)
  • Matsuda, R., K. Suzuki, Y. Nakano, H. Sasaki and M. Takaichi: Nutrient supply and fruit yields in tomato rockwool hydroponics under daily quantitative nutrient management: Analysis and evaluation based on leaf area index. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 67(3): 117-126. (2011)
  • Matsuda, R., A. Nakano, D.-H. Ahn, K. Suzuki, K.-I. Yasuba, M. Takaichi: Growth characteristic and sink strength of fruit at different CO2 concentrations in a Japanese and a Dutch tomato cultivar. Scientia Horticulturae 127(4):528-534. (2011)
  • Park, J.-S., J. E. Son, K. Kurata and K. Fujiwara: Cherry radish growth under dim LED lighting to the root zone. Acta Horticulturae 907: 141-144. (2011)