This project aims to analyze the effects of the light environment on photosynthesis from an ecophysiological point of view and to apply the findings to the control of the light environment in greenhouses and plant factories with artificial lighting. So far, we have been studying the effects of spectral distribution (light quality), supplemental lighting to lower leaves, and continuous (24-h) lighting. Currently, we are interested in the effect of fluctuating light environment. For these studies, we have utilized LEDs that can easily control spectral distribution and the time course of power output and can also irradiate locally. By using the knowledge and techniques of both biology and engineering, we aim to acquire interesting findings and develop new technologies.
Matsuda, R. (2019) Effects of supplemental lighting with LEDs on physiological aspects of photosynthesis in crop plants. Light & Engineering 27: 42-48.
Murakami, K., R. Matsuda, K. Fujiwara. (2018) Quantification of excitation energy distribution between photosystems based on a mechanistic model of photosynthetic electron transport. Plant, Cell and Environment 41(1): 148-159.
Murakami, K., R. Matsuda, K. Fujiwara. (2018) A mathematical model of photosynthetic electron transport in response to light spectrum based on excitation energy distributed to photosystems. Plant and Cell Physiology 59(8): 1643-1651.
Murakami, K., R. Matsuda, K. Fujiwara. (2017) A basis for selecting light spectral distribution for evaluating leaf photosynthetic rates of plants grown under different light spectral distributions. Environmental Control in Biology 55(1): 1-6.
Matsuda, R., K. Murakami. (2016) Light- and CO2-dependent systemic regulation of photosynthesis. Progress in Botany 77 (Luttge, U., F.M. Canovas, R. Matyssek eds.), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, p.151-166.
Murakami, K., R. Matsuda. (2016) Optical and physiological properties of a leaf. LED Lighting for Urban Agriculture (Kozai, T., K. Fujiwara, E. Runkle eds.), Springer Science+Business Media, Singapore, p.113-123.
Matsuda, R. (2016) Effects of physical environment on photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration. LED Lighting for Urban Agriculture (Kozai, T., K. Fujiwara, E. Runkle eds.), Springer Science+Business Media, Singapore, p.163-175.
Matsuda, R., T. Yamano, K. Murakami, K. Fujiwara. (2016) Effects of spectral distribution and photosynthetic photon flux density for overnight LED light irradiation on tomato seedling growth and leaf injury. Scientia Horticulturae 198: 363-369.
Murakami, K., R. Matsuda, K. Fujiwara. (2016) Interaction between the spectral photon flux density distributions of light during growth and for measurements in net photosynthetic rates of cucumber leaves. Physiologia Plantarum 158(2): 213-224.
Matsuda, R., N. Ozawa, K. Fujiwara. (2014) Leaf photosynthesis, plant growth, and carbohydrate accumulation of tomato under different photoperiods and diurnal temperature differences. Scientia Horticulturae 170: 150-158.
Murakami, K., R. Matsuda, K. Fujiwara. (2014) Light-induced systemic regulation of photosynthesis in primary and trifoliate leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris: effects of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) versus spectrum. Plant Biology 16(1): 16-21.
Murakami, K., R. Matsuda, K. Fujiwara. (2013) Effects of supplemental lighting to a lower leaf using light-emitting diodes with different spectra on the leaf photosynthetic rate in sweet pepper. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 69(2): 55-63.
Fig. 3. Measurement of the net photosynthetic rate of a cucumber leaf under artificial sunlight reproduced using the LED artificial sunlight source system.
Fig .4. Tomato seedlings grown under overnight supplemental lighting using LEDs with different spectral distributions.